
Tips for Packing a Computer Tower for Moving

Computer packing on moving day using UNITS portable Storage in East Bay Area.

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One of your most important and most expensive possessions these days is likely your computer. Here are our favorite tips for packing a computer tower for moving so you don’t have any unpleasant surprises when you go to set it up in your new home.

1. Use the original box

It’s super important that you don’t get a box that is too small (obvious) or too big (not so obvious). If you can, use the original box that your computer tower came in. If you can’t, find a box that is just a few inches bigger on all sides that your tower. This ensures that you can add packing peanuts and cushion, but also that your tower doesn’t have too much room to wiggle around and get damaged.

2. Backup your hard drive(s)

You never know what will happen on your move. Maybe your box will fall, your portable UNIT will get broken into, or your tower will be exposed to the 100-degree summer weather for too long. Be safe and just back up your hard drives on portable drives you can keep with you in a backpack or purse.

3. Make sure it’s off

Ok duh, but also sometimes people forget this one (especially if they’ve unplugged the monitor and can’t tell that the tower is still on). But do make sure your computer is off before you pack it. You don’t want the drive to be spinning while it’s being transported, or to melt and overheat.

4. Keep your cables organized

Unplug all cables from the tower and keep them organized, probably in a Ziploc bag or bundled together with aPacking computer tower in box, using tips from UNITS East Bay Portable Storage. rubber band. Trust us, you’ll be glad you did this when you go to put it all back together.

5. Give it some cushion

Wrap your computer tower in a heavy-duty blanket, bubble wrap, Styrofoam, or any other cushioning and shock-absorbing materials you have on hand.

6. Waterproof it

After adding the cushioning materials and tape up the box, consider wrapping the entire thing with a heavy-duty garbage bag. You never know what might happen (something could spill in your moving UNIT, it could rain, etc.) so better safe than sorry.

7. Test out your packing job

Think you’re all done? Give your box a shake. That’s right – shake it. You want to do this gently at first, but listen for any jostling noises and feel to see if your tower is secure within its box. If it seems to be moving around too much, it means you didn’t pack it tight enough inside. Unwrap it, add more padding, and do it again!

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